Leader update: Victoria Way (A320) closure


Friday, 28 March, 2025

An update from Cllr Ann-Marie Barker, Leader of Woking Borough Council, on Victoria Way (A320) closure.

“SRM are making steady progress, but I regret to inform you that it is likely that the closure of Victoria Way will remain in place until late April.  

“SRM now need to work on the deep (protruding) panels on the hotel and this requires specialist equipment. This equipment was due to have arrived from Germany last week but has been delayed.

“This has severely impacted the schedule. As a result, SRM can currently only work on one deep panel at a time, until the additional specialist tools arrive in early April.

“In the meantime, I continue to push SRM to work at pace to install the remaining temporary fixings to shallow panels that are required for the road to reopen.

“I understand how frustrating this news is for everyone, but the exclusion zone is in place to protect your safety and will be lifted as soon as the works are complete.

“I will continue to do all I can to push SRM to accelerate the works and keep you informed.”

Thank you. 
Cllr Ann-Marie Barker

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