Woking Town Centre PSPO extension consultation


Wednesday, 29 May, 2019

Local residents are being invited to provide feedback on an extension to the existing Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) covering Woking Town Centre.

The town centre PSPO came into effect in June 2016 following repeated reports of anti-social behaviour to both Surrey Police and the Council which were seen as having, or likely to have, a detrimental effect on the community’s quality of life. These included reports of substance misuse, anti-social behaviour and begging which resulted in assaults, criminal damage and disruption to residents and businesses.

The Council is considering extending the PSPO in Woking Town Centre for a further three years with the existing restrictions and requirements which would see the PSPO remaining in place until June 2022.

The PSPO enables the Council to apply restrictions to a particular area with the aim of stopping individuals, or groups, committing anti-social behaviour in public spaces. Since the introduction of the PSPO, recorded incidents of anti-social behaviour in Woking Town Centre have reduced.
To date four warning letters have been issued and no fines. It is considered that, along with other partnership working, the PSPO has acted as an effective deterrent enabling both Surrey Police and the Council to take appropriate action to tackle anti-social problems, along with partners.

Cllr Colin Kemp, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, said: “In order to ensure that the PSPO remains a suitable deterrent, yet considers the needs and freedoms of our residents and visitors, the Council will be consulting with those living in the PSPO area, as well as discussing with stakeholders such as Surrey Police.”

Residents, local businesses and visitors to the area are invited to comment on the existing scheme by emailing community.safety@woking.gov.uk or by writing to Community Safety, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL.

All comments and feedback should be received no later than Thursday 6 June 2019.

For information about the existing PSPO scheme, please visit www.woking.gov.uk/pspo