Woking town centre public spaces and highways

Roads, street lights and traffic lights

Surrey County Council is responsible for managing and maintaining the borough's highways, please contact Surrey County Council’s highways service.

Public space licences and permissions

Pavement licences

We are responsible for managing licences for temporary street furniture placed on pavements outside business premises.

Apply for a pavement licence

Pavement A-boards

Pavement A-boards to promote a business's opening times or activities can cause obstructions for pedestrians and people with disabilities.

Get advice on displaying pavement A-boards

Charity collection permits

Charitable organisations need a permit to carry out street or house-to-house collections. 

Apply for a charity collection permit

Public space usage for events and activities within the town centre

As the owner of a number of public spaces in Woking town centre, it is important to us that any activities taking place in these spaces enhance the image of Woking town centre as a quality destination in which to spend time, and do not compromise the safety or wellbeing of other users. 

View our public realm usage policy